Hello everyone! My name is Gittemary, in 2015 I switched out impulse buys, fashion week, and must-haves for a zero waste and plastic-free lifestyle! Now, I create inspiration, recipes, and guides on how to get started reducing trash and finding non-materialistic values. I host lectures, classes, and workshops about my zero waste lifestyle. If you are interested in featuring or booking this zero waster, send me an email.
For business email me at: Gittemary@outlook.dk
Lectures & Talks: (danish below) I have been giving lectures and talks since early 2016, and you can book me for an event, a festival, a gathering, or we can create an event together. I talk about zero waste, plastic pollution, the meat and dairy industry, transportation, fashion, fossil fuels, and much more. I want sustainability to be achievable for everyone, which is why my lectures are suited for both children and adults, and everyone in between.
My lecture ZERO WASTE CRASH COURSE breaks down the most polluting industries and how we can affect them. It is a comprehensive overview that it down to earth and easy to understand.
My lecture A PLASTIC-FREE LIFE provides fun and easy tips and guides and encourages small steps towards a greener future. My lectures can also be included as workshops and open debates.
My lecture TRASH WORKOUT is part talk, part workshop. Here I will go over some of the basics of sustainable living, equally divided between physical waste and the invisible impact, an introduction that provides an overview, and specific details about recycling, plastic, and zero waste tips. During the other half, I introduce a trash workout, here we work together to create a 4-week sustainability plan and separate different green actions into “exercises” we can take home and try out.
Foredrag og Oplæg: Jeg har holdt foredrag siden begyndelsen af 2016. Du kan booke mig til events, festivaler, sammenkomster, eller vi kan lave et særligt event sammen. Jeg taler om zero waste livsstilen, plastikforurening, kød -og mejeri industrien, transport, mode, fossile brændstoffer og meget mere. Jeg ønsker at bæredygtighed skal være forståeligt og tilgængeligt for alle, og derfor er mine foredrag velegnede både til børn, voksne og alt imellem.
Foredraget ZERO WASTE CRASH COURSE gennemgår de mest forurenende industrier og hvordan vi kan påvirke dem. Foredraget fungerer som overblik over klimakrisen og stoffet formidles så det er let forståeligt.
Foredraget ET PLASTIK FRIT LIV tilbyder sjove og nemme tips og guides til en grøn omstilling. Her vil du opleve lavpraktiske tips til hvordan man konkret kan gøre en forskel. Alle mine foredrag kan bruges som praktiske workshops og debatter.
Foredraget “TRASH WORKOUT” er halvt foredrag, halv workshop. Her vil jeg gennemgå nogle af de basale dele af grøn omstilling med lige dele fokus på fysisk affald og det usynlige aftryk. Denne introduktion skaber et overblik i emner som cirkularitet i praksis, forurening og drivhusgasser, grønne madvaner, bæredygtig mode og zero waste tips. I den anden halvdel af foredraget fremstilles en såkaldt “skralde træningsplan” som deler bæredygtige rutiner og handlinger op i et 4 ugers program med “øvelser” som man kan tage med hjem og prøve af.
Previous, and future lectures, workshops & talks:
- Grøn Prepping, Nærm Gymnasium, December 3rd, 2024
- Verdensmålscafe: Zero Waste Lifestyle med Gittemary, Herning Bibliotek, November 7th, 2024
- Gourmet tasting, Bogforum, November 1st, 2024
- Sustainable Food Systems, Future Festival Cph October 5th 2024
- Bæredygtighed i øjenhøjde, hvad kan jeg gøre? HK Webinar, October 3rd, 2024
- Konferencier/Moderator for Green Innovation Week, September 26th, 2024
- Bæredygtighed i øjenhøjde, hvad kan jeg gøre? Brønderslev Bæredygtigheds Festival, September 14th, 2024
- Femininity and Zero Waste, Ladies Wine Design, Copenhagen, September 11th, 2024
- Sådan bliver du en bæredygtig badass, Frederikshavn Verdensmålsuge, September 2nd, 2024
- From Hyper-Consumer to Zero Waster”, CPH Alternative Fashion Week, August 9th 2024
- Trash Work-Out, Vegan Surf Camp, Moilets-A-Maar, France, July 17th 2024
- Talk at Dansk Vegetarisk Forenings Summerfest, July 12th
- “Kan en Gulerød Gøres Luksuriøs?, Folkemødet på Bornholm, June 15th 2024
- Fokus, Aalborg, Lavpraktisk og fordomsfrit grøn omstilling, 24th of April, 2024
- Do More Denmark, Copenhagen, Sustainability and Gastronomy, 20th of April 2024
- DANSIC, Sustainability in Fashion, panel and Q&A, 18-18:30, 19th of April, 2024
- Find luksus i en gulerod – lav bæredygtig gourmet, FOF Aarhus, 4/03
- Få styr på dit fftryk – træn trash workout, FOF Aarhus, 29/1
- Bæredygtig madlavning med Gittemarie Johansen, Horsens Bibliotek, 9/1
- Guestchef, H Skjalm P, 12/12, 14-16
- Sådan bliver du en bæredygtig badass, SCU, Skanderborg, 6/12
- Guestchef, Café Kosmos, November 20th, 2023
- Herlev Bibliotek, Trash Workout, November 16th
- TRASH WORKOUT at KVUC, 24th October, 2023
- Keynote speaker at Google Sustainability Summit, Brussels, Belgium, October 10th, 2023
- Frederikssund Handelsskole, “sådan bliver du en bæredygtig badass” September 22nd, 2023
- Vestjyllands Højskole, September 6th, 2023
- Frederikshavn Gymnasium, My Zero Waste life, September 4th, 2023
- Femifestival, Odense, Femininity in Sustainability, September 2nd, 2023
- Greencajt Festival 2023, Zagreb, Croatia, May 25th
- My Zero Waste Life, Holbæk, May 16th, 2023
- National Libraries of Denmark, sustainability workshops and lectures, April 27th, 2023
- Global Sustainability, Kolding Gymnasium, March 30th, 2023
- Bæredygtighedsmesse, Trekanten, Aalborg Øst, March 24th
- Global Temadag, Syddjurs Gymnasium, February 21st, 2023
- Et plastikfrit liv at Dokk1, Aarhus, January 25th, 2023
- My Zero Waste Life, Skanderborg-Odder Center for uddannelse, November 23rd, 2022
- Grøn omstilling – hvad rager det mig? Hovedbiblioteket, Glashjørnet, Rendsburggade 2, Aalborg, November 8th 16:00
- Vegan and low-impact living at Organic Plant Based Expo, Copenhagen, November 5th at 15:00
- Spar på pengene, ikke på smagen, De Frivilliges Hus, Aalborg, September 27th, 2022
- Zero Waste – Gittemarie deler ud af tips og tricks, Den Grønne Ambassade, Aarhus, September 26th
- Et Plastikfrit Liv, Silkeborg Bibliotek, September 24th, 11-12
- Panel discussion at Schibsted Sustainability Summit, Copenhagen, September 22nd, 2022
- Er plastikemballage nødvendig for at mindske madspild? Panelist at Klimefolkemødet, Gul Scene, 11.00 am, September 3rd 2022
- Bliv en bæredygtig badass, at Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center august 20
- TEDxAalborg, ”How To Not Lose Hope”, June 2nd 2022
- ZERO WASTE CRASH COURSE, Aalborg Ø, Trekanten bibliotek, Maj 20th 2022
- Zero Waste Crash Course, FOF Dokk1, Aarhus, April 2nd 2022
- ”Et plastikfrit liv” at Den Lave Højskole, February 2nd, 2022
- Trash Work-Out Lecture and dinner at Café Kosmos Odense October 17th, 16:30 – 21:00
- ”Et plastikfrit liv” at Viborg Idrætshøjskole, December 1st 2020
- “Bæredygtig Badass Book Club” Kolding Library, November 25th, 16:00-18:00
- “BÆREDYGTIG BADASS” speak at Vensyssel Kunstmuseum, November 10th
- “What’s Fair? How much will we sacrifice for sustainability in the future?” Frederikshavn Library, October 26th
- ”Trash Work Out” Grindsted, Den Grønne Hovedstad, September 28th 19-20:30
- “My Zero Waste Life” at Odense Circular Design Camp at UCL Odense, September 22nd, 9:00-9:45
- “Sustainability and Lifestyle” Lecture at AOF, Egense, September 16th, 19:00-21:00 (free to attend)
- “My Zero Waste Life” talk at Vesterbølle Efterskole, September 14th, 20:00
- ”Mit Plastikfri Liv” with Køge Ungdomsskole, Tapperiet, July 1st, 2021
- Online lecture ”The Impact of Food” with Printful, April 21st, 2021
- Online lecture ”Trash Workout” with Printful, April 8th, 2021
- Online lecture ”The Impact of Fashion” with Printful, March 25th, 2021
- Online talk with Magistrenes A-Kasse, December 11th, 10-11:30 a.m
- Odense book launch party with Silo Market, September 25th, 7-9 pm
- Bæredygtighed og modstandsdygtigheds festival, Sydfyn, September 18th
- Lecture in Aalborg at Bæredygtighedsfestivalen, trash workshop, September 10th, 15:00-16:30
- Copenhagen book launch at LØS, September 6th, 6-8 pm.
- Aarhus book launch with Tinc, September 3rd, 7-9 pm
- Aalborg book launch, Hjulmagervej 58, September 2nd, 6-8 pm
- “Idécafé for unge om bæredygtighed”, Aabenraa, March 5th
- Zero waste: Foredrag om grøn omstilling og zero waste, March 10th (upcoming, see more here)
- ”Gittemary x Raa – Juleforedrag”, Rå Århus, December 4th
- ”Juleforedrag I Wørkshop Løs”, LØS Copenhagen, December 1st
- ”Kød: Forurening, helbred, og sundhed”, Aalborg University, November 19th 2019
- “Plastik: hvordan undgår vi det?”, Aalborg Universitet, November 12th 2019
- “Why Zero Waste Is More Sustainable Than Recycling”, Project 2030, Aalborg, 2019
- “Zero Waste Crash Course”, Elling FGU, 2019
- “Bæredygtighed på en sjov, simpel let fordøjelig måde”, Mejeriet, Sønderborg, 2019
- “Zero Waste Crash Course”, LØS, Copenhagen, 2019
- “Zero Waste Crash Course” Landbrug & Fødevarer, Ungdommens Folkemøde, 2019
- Frederikshavn Bibliotek, 2019
- Skagen Bibliotek, 2019
- Alternativet Nordjylland, Aalborg, 2019
- Paneldebat, Frederikshavn Bibliotek, 2019
- Too Good To Go, Aalborg, 2018
- “Meateaters vs Cellery Muchers” BrainBar, Budapest, 2018
- Boxtown, Aalborg, 2018
- Sustain Daily Fordybelsesdag, 2018
- Tyg & Tænk, Copenhagen 2017
- CanopyLAB, Copenhagen, 2017
- “En Bæredygtig Hverdag” Skagen Bibliotek, 2016
- “En Bæredygtig Hverdag”, Det Grønne Rum, Fredericia, 2016
- Aalborg Bibliotekterne, 2016
- 1000fryd, Aalborg 2016
- Undaya Yoga, Aalborg 2016
- Utzon Center, Aalborg, 2015
- VUC Aabybro, 2015
- Herning Sustainability Day, 2015
Hi Mary! omg I discovered your blog today and I have to say its gorgeus! Congratulations. I like everything! I started mine a few weeks ago with the same topic.
I included the interview tab “eco chats” and I would love to interview you if that’s alright.
I can send u between 5 and 10 questions and you reply them.
Let me know
That is fine, just send me an email 🙂
Dear Gittemary,
My name is Johanna and I am from Austria. I am a big fan of your YouTube-Channel and your blog and as I am traveling to Denmark (Copenhagen to be specific), I wanted to ask you if there are any zero waste/second hand shops, markets or zero waste restaurants you can recommend.
Thank you for your respond in advance!
All the best,
I recommend LØS, a zero waste bulk shop and also Isangs and Eco Ego all amazing eco friendly shops :)!
Hej Gittemary.
Jeg har 2 shampoobarer fra DR Bronner liggende. Den ene er blevet brugt 3 gange den anden slet ikke. Det er med teetræsolie og er veganske. Har imidlertid fundet ud af, at jeg ikke kan tåle teetræsolie, og ville høre om du evt. Kunne bruge dem eller kender nogle. Har spurgt heke min omgangskreds mm. i Nordjylland, og det er ikke blevet til noget.
Hej Mette, der er en facebook gruppe for zero waste interesserede i Nordjylland, det kunne være oplagt at lave et opslag derinde måske :)?
Hi Mary just stumbled across your site, thanks for the great ideas. I was wanting to make the concealer recipe, but when I tired to access your foundation recipe the page was blank. Can you help?
Many thanks for your ideas 🙂
I’m having a hard time finding zero waste floss that is available in stores or any DIY alternatives. And it is hard to find zero waste sunscreen for sensitive skin. I’ve seen DIY sunscreen that is heavily oil based or lotion based but sadly this is not a good replacement to my current sunscreen by Shiseido. Can you make a video on what you do for floss and sunscreen?
Hi Gittemarie,
Thank you for your inspiring blog.
I recently moved to a small town near Aalborg (from Aarhus) – do you already have a guide to buying zero waste in Aalborg, or would you consider making one? I understand that you buy most of your groceries from the farmers markets, but how about nuts and seeds? Any good butchers who are in for the “can I have it in this jar?” Cheese? Milk? Which coffee/tea store do you use? Other interesting site-specific recommendations?
Thanks for considering,
I could definitely do that at some point :)!
Hi was wondering if yoy made your own ketchup. Having a problem finding condiments that are not in plastic containers
I’ve made it in the past, but now I have found a glass bottle alternative 🙂
Hey Gittemary,
I have looked high and low and tried to do my own research but feel I am not knowledgeable enough. Can you offer ideas for low waste/ eco-friendly shower curtains. I am looking for something that does not need a liner.
My name is Katja 31, I am feom Luxembourg
I wanted to write you a message but i dont know where to write..
Sorry my english isnt so good
I have found you in youtube and you are so great and inspirti g..
I have a hard time the last 7 years bc of chronic illnesses and
I couldnt no lore work…bc of many dead of my lo ed ones (mum, Dad and more…)
Falling into a severe psychotic depression and anxiety disorder…
I have a little son… i live him from all my heart…
I want to change live with getting more conscious mind… minimalism and zero waste
Hugs and live from Luxembourg
Hi 🙂 I was looking into safety razors lately and saw that they last much longer/stay sharper longer if they are stored in oil. How do u store your razor??
I store it in a little box, never heard about that oil tip, but surely something worth looking into :)!
I’m Anna, 18 years old, from Germany
I watched your video about your zero waste beginner’s tips four months ago and was so amazed how easy it seems to you to live a zero waste lifestyle, which brought me the idea to try it myself.
Since I moved out of my hometown to study in a different, also four months ago, I now watch your videos and read your blog post regularly. You really inspire me to think more about my enviroment not only in the matter of cars or animal products.
Now I enjoy it a lot to make my own body care product, going shopping to our weekly farmer’s market with my beautifull canvas bags and little containers or researching about zero waste and vegan lifestyle in my neighbourhood.
Thanks alot for all your great, informative and usefull videos and blog posts.
I recently discovered your YouTube channel and I must say I am blown away. I am 46 and live in California and still trying to figure life out. It seems that you have figured out your passion, which does very little damage to the environment, and brings joy to viewers. If I were your mother, I would be SO proud. You are a beautiful, caring soul; you are sharing your knowledge in a respectful, loving and enthusiastic way; you are improving your local environment and getting other people to work on theirs – there really doesn’t seem to me to be anything more any parent could want than a child that is such a positive influence. Also, you have a beautiful face and smile. Thank you for contributing such healthy and hopeful ideas and energy to the YouTube world. By the way, thought you should know, avocado is actually a fruit, not a vegetable. Cheers!!
Just a short one to say you have seriously inspired me to join the zero waste movement.
You are amazing and incredibly courageous to change your lifestyle for something you believe in.
Keep up the good work!
Hello Gittemary,
I am so impressed about your zero waste lifestyle. I’m trying very hard to do so as well. Very often I am limited by my own family… Kids simply love this lego-stuff. It’s frustrating…
Have you ever tried to do you own eyeliner? I’m looking out for a good recipe with little success. Okay…and I want to know how YOU would do it 🙂
Great job. Keep it up!
Best wishes for you and your fiancé
Hello gittemary,
My name is Britt and i am from the netherlands. Since a while i am following your blog and your youtube channel and im verry inspired and want to change some things in my way of living with my family.i started verry confinced and full of currage but fast i was quite sad about the fact that here in the area im living its almost impossible to life like that. I already make quite a lot things my self but the nearest zero waste store is 2ours away from here and the stores that are near everything and i mean everything is packaged in plastic so im quite discouraged now and wanted to ask if you maybe have some tips for that !or maybe a youtube video for things like that . Because the only thing we get onpackeged is fruits and veggies on the farmersmarket. I would be verry happy with any advice! Have a verry nice day and youre so inspiring!
Ps: sorry for the language im verry bad at english
Hi Gittemary, I really love your channel and all of your zero waste tips and ideas. Do you have any thoughts on how to make a first aid kit more environmentally friendly? I realize we can’t exactly reuse old bandages for obvious reasons, but I was looking for zero waste alternatives for small cuts and burns, something other than band aids?
Hi!!! I am Gema, from Los Angeles; California. I came across you looking for a “DIY mascara” on YouTube. I went to your page and you inspired me to go “no waste” and I love it! Thank you so much for opening my eyes, thank you again. I seen in one of your YouTube videos that you enjoy art books. My husband made a book LA river book lots of art in it. Please email me so that I can send you a copy! Thank you again! You changed our life’s for the better!!
Hi! My name is Emily and I am 14 years old. I also live in Denmark and I can speak Danish too. You have inspired me to make a change and realise of what I am doing to the environment. I am writing a really important school project on zero waste and I want to spread the idea so if you could please let me interview you that would be great! If not, keep doing what you are doing.
Hello Emily, feel free to ask me any question you want 🙂
Kind regards GM
Hej Gittemary!
Jeg er ved at skrive et projekt omhandlende unge danskeres bæredygtige valg i hverdagen, hvilke motivationer de har for at tage dem, og eventuelt hvilke udfordringer de møder.
Kunne du være interesseret i at deltage i denne undersøgelse? Evt. ved et telefoninterview eller ved besvarelse af nogle skriftlige spørgsmål.
Håber på at høre fra dig,
Vh. Michelle Jørgensen
Send mig en mail, så svarer jeg gerne på spørgsmål 🙂
Love your blog!
Was wondering if you have any tips for shopping zero waste in Aalborg?
Can you recommend any stores? You often mention the farmers market, is this in Aalborg?
Sending positive vibes
– Silvia
The Farmer’s Market is on Danmarksgade – by Netto. Saturdays and Wednesdays. I have several follow me around videos where you can see where I shop 🙂
Hey Gittemary,
I really just bumped into your youtube channel just then and started wondering if you were offering any kind of workshops. I am still going to school and living with my family, but I have been trying to minimise my negative effect on the planet (whether it is by buying less clothes, producing less waste or walking instead of driving). In the future, want to go one step further. So thanks for your inspiring videos and lets see what my zero waste journey will look like!
Greetings from cold Germany,
Kim Joanna
Hej GM, jeg er meget interesseret i at finde flere zero waste/bæredygtigheds/ green innovation -influencers (som dig 😉 ); youtubere, instagrammere, bloggere, jounalister etc.
Kan du hjælpe mig med navne på dem, der er størst i DK? Og måske nogle af dine egne (internationale) forbilleder?
Tak for dit gode initiativ og for at inspirere så mange mennesker med din kamp for en grønnere verden.
x J
Hi, my name is Christina, I just found your YouTube channel and was watching a few videos. And first of all, I just want to tell you, you’re lovely and awesome! You do a great job with the zero waste. I’m sadly far far away from being zero waste, but I enjoy seeing all the creativity and inventiveness of it all. And I’m slowly slowly starting to take small steps to make, at least a little less impact on our environment. Anyway, what I wanted to say was, I saw the video where you talked about the toothbrush (Bamboo dent) and I can’t believe that they use a plastic window on the packaging of a product, produced to be “better for the environment”. And one of the tiny steps I’ve taken myself is to change my toothbrush, from plastic to a bamboo one. I’m from Sweden and there is a company here called The humble co. And they make the humble brush. I personally love their brush with black bristles. Here’s a link to it if you think it could be something for you.
Take care!
Hej gittemary!
Jeg er lige gået i gang med Zero Waste og var forbi løs markedet netop idag. Der spurgte jeg om emballagefri sheasmør og kakaosmør. De vidste ikke, hvor disse ku findes i Danmark… 🙁
Kender du et sted?
Hilsen, Ursi
Prøv at undersøg Isangs 🙂
I was just wondering whether you took the flatlay photo from the following blog post: http://www.gittemary.com/page/6
If you did take the picture, could I use the photo for an article I am writing for Artefact Magazine? I can credit you (with a link) to boost your website’s traffic. However, I would need you to confirm you took the picture and that you are happy for me to use it.
I have sent you an email regarding the picture!
Hej Gittemarie
Vi er et par stykker der overvejer muligheden for at åbne et løssalgsmarked i Aalborg. Har det din interesse. Skriv til mig.
De bedste hilsner
Jeg faldt lige over din kommentar, Lars. Jeg ville elske hvis der kom et løssalgsmarked i Aalborg ! håber virkelig på det 🙂
Hi I am a big fan! You are doing great, keep doing what you do! Just wondering if you have any recommendations for a vegan ethical winter coat? Thanks
Thank you so much! I would suggest looking through a thrift store before buying anything new lol. BUT I also highly recommend looking at https://komodo.online/ I think they have some stuff as well (Y)
bonjour serait-il possible d’avoir la recette de ton rouge à lèvres fait avec de a betterave stp?
Hello! I have been following you for several months now and you have always inspired me with your positive and humble attitude. This year was my first year as a teacher and I have to say that I received many gifts from students and parents. Next year, I would like to encourage parents and students to follow zero waste principles in their gifts… Would you have any advice as to how to approach this? Thanks so much 🙂
So cool that you want your students to engage in sustainability! We need more of you <3 I think a good way about is to teach them about the effects of plastic and how we as individuals can avoid it 🌿🌿
Glad I found your blog. Silly question, but, what is a trash jar. I have read so many pros and cons on ‘trash jar’, but what is it?
It is (often) a mason jar that displays the amount of trash a person has created over a certain amount of months or years 🙂
Hi. How do I subscribe to your blog please? Can’t find that option on the site.
I usually tell people to save it in their browser, that’s the easiest method haha
Hej 🙂 hvor finder jeg de hjemmesider hvor du køber fx den der specielle shampoo osv.
Bleschu, Lush og Isangs bruger jeg 🙂
Hej Gitte!
Does your DIY bodybutter melt in summer like coconut oil does? Or does it stay solid because of the addition of the other ingredients?
Have a nice day!
It stays solid 🙂
Hi Gittemary, I’ve been watching your YouTube for a little while and I really love your content. I was wondering if you knew any alternative for chewing gum, as I found out a while ago that they contain plastic. Are there any alternatives or plastic free gum that you know of, or where to find reliable information on this?
Depending on where you are you can find several eco brands, in DK there is True Gum. In the US I think, there is Simply Gum.
Thank you so much for the recommendations! I’ve ordered some True Gum and it’s brilliant, the flavours are great! 😀
Hello Gittmary Johansen,
My name is Cassie Thornton and I am a representative and the host of the Station 44.4 – Love What You Do Podcast. I am reaching out to you on behalf of our team as we believe that as an environmentalist and your passion for creating a healthier planet reflects the Love What You Do culture and lifestyle we set to represent. Love What You Do is not just a podcast, but is a culture and community that is helping to inspire others. We have become comfortable with your work and believe that you fit our culture and truly reflect the type of energy we want to share with the world. We would enjoy having you on as a guest to interview you about environmentalism as well as your recently published book.
We would love it if you were interested! Please respond via email or direct message at any of the contacts listed below. We would like to set a date to further familiarize you with our podcast and format and to become better acquainted with what you are currently doing so we can highlight that in the podcast. At this moment due to Covid-19, the podcast recordings will be conducted remotely. We begin recording interviewees in March. I am very happy to be reaching out to you and I hope that we have an opportunity to connect. Thank you for your time and consideration and have a wonderful day.
Cassie Thornton
Email: station444official@gmail.com
Instagram DM: @station44.4
Cassie (Co-Founder/Host)
Maxwell (Co-Founder/Producer)
Love What You Do
If Not Now, When?
Good day
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Thank you
Sweden, NA, Vemdalen, 840 92, Buanvagen 5
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