The Hidden Ways You’re Wasting Energy // 15 money-saving energy tips that’ll also help the planet

The majority of our impact can be traced back to these three aspects of our lives:

  1. How we transport ourselves
  2. What we put on our plates
  3. And the homes we live in

We’re going to talk about the 3rd one today

On average buildings only last 39 years before being prematurely demolished…

40% of GHG comes from the building industry

It’s also responsible for 33% of global waste

and nearly 50% of extracted materials

Source: Ramboll and EU project reincarnate

But it’s not just how we build our homes, it’s also how we treat the resources in them,

that’s why I have teamed up with Grundfos for their campaign “The Green To Do”. 

What we consumers do matters, it matters a lot.

But we need the muscles of the major companies and corporations for a lot of the heavy lifting,

when they lay down the groundwork, our action starts to have a real impact.

These hacks won’t just save you money, they’re also more sustainable

  1. Don’t cover your radiator
  2. Keep the temperature steady, instead of switching it on and off
  3. Layer up when it’s cold, instead of maxing out the radiator
  4. Install an up-to-date circulation pump (it can save you 8% on your overall energy bill)
  5. Defrost your freezer (it’s make your freezer run 20% more effectively)
  6. Update sink and shower nozzles to water-saving options
  7. Wash your laundry in colder temperatures
  8. Please avoid using the dryer (it also wears down your clothes faster)
  9. Use eco setting on dishwashers and washing machines
  10. Check if your windows have a tight seal
  11. Use your shower water to flush
  12. Boil water in a kettle rather than a pot
  13. Use a lid when you’re cooking
  14. Unplug your devices instead of having them on standby
  15. Change your light bulb to LEDs, which use up to 90% less energy

Living more sustainably means using fewer resources, and using resources smarter, it’s a win-win for the planet and your wallet


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