Hello everybody! I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate a post to the farmers’ market I use in Aalborg. This is so, because there are a lot of questions about this market, and it is so much easier to answer them in a post rather than in thousands of dms. I hope this makes sense.
also watch: ZERO WASTE AND VEGAN without a farmers’ market
GREENS: I shop at a local market in Aalborg. It is in Danmarksgade right in front of the Netto store. It is every Wednesday and Saturday from 8-ish am to 2 pm. There are several vendors at the market all of which sell fruit and veg that vary depending on season and suppliers. The entire market is not organic, but a big part of it is. If you want to know if a specific product is organic or where it is from, then ask the farmers and sellers. It is super difficult to answer this advance because it changes a lot.
The market has an amazing selection of plastic-free greens, fruits, nuts, and more. However, there are also sometimes items in plastic, I simply avoid them altogether. The vendors are also super cool about people bringing their own containers, and actually, praise the ones that do. I often get bulk nuts in my own bags, and they are super cool about it.
BULK: Tinc recently opened and it is a bulk store with plenty of options for shopping dried goods like pasta, oats, rice, sweets, nuts, and much more. The store is located on Møllegade 6A and is open Monday + Saturday.
also watch: ZERO WASTE GROCERY SHOPPING // How I Store Greens
Jeg er selv vegetar og ønsker at undgå dårlig emballage og leve mere zero waste-agtigt. Jeg er selv fra Aalborg (Nørresundby). Føler mig udfordrer ift. at skulle købe bønner, ris, linser, pasta – kan man købe det løst nogle steder i Aalborg? 🙂
Mvh. Mai
Der kommer sandsynligvis snart en bedre løsning end at købe stort ind i Rå i Århus haha 😅🌿