- 1 large whole-grain pita bread
- LikeMeat veggie nuggets
- Kidney beans
- Jasmine rice
- Red pesto
- Chili spice mix/rub
- Cucumber
- Tomato
- Radish
Boil half a cup of rice with 1 tsp of salt and the spice mix. Meanwhile, fry the nuggets in 1 tsp of oil. When the nuggets are done, take them off the heat and cut them into strips. I only used three nuggets and saved the rest for later. Fry 2 tsp of spice mix, in the same pan, with half a cup of beans. When they are warm mash them into a soft paste. Cut open your pita bread and cover both sides of the inside with pesto. Add the beans as the first layer, them rice and nuggets. Top it off with the veggies. I cut my pita into two because it was so massive lol. This can easily be a two-people lunch (in this case it was not lol).